Dangerous Buildings

"Dangerous buildings" are the City's term for buildings that have severe and ongoing code violations (according to building code standards) and require special monitoring to ensure their condition does not worsen, as well as manage any risk to surrounding areas. The City works with the private property owners to develop a plan to address these buildings through rehab or demolition. If an owner does not respond or comply, or if the building's condition worsens, the City can take the necessary actions to have it demolished, with costs assessed back to the property owner. More information about the City's process for addressing dangerous buildings is available here.


  • Once a dangerous building has been demolished or properly rehabilitated by an owner to comply with building code standards, it is removed from the current dangerous buildings list
  • Both datasets are updated regularly and so the visuals will update accordingly
  • The data for both datasets are provided by the KCMO Neighborhoods and Community Services Department

Dangerous Buildings Case Map

This point map shows locations of buildings currently on the Dangerous Building list. The points are color-coded according to the status of the Dangerous Buildings case (see legend for details). The filter in the top right can be used to limit the map to buildings with a particular status, or to filter cases for a specific neighborhood or Council District. Hover over a point to see the pop-up window, which provides the address, status, the case open date, parcel identification number (PIN) and case number. The address or PIN can be used to find more information on all parcels in the city on the City's parcel viewer.

Council District Map

The map above shows the number of dangerous buildings located within each council district.

Neighborhood Map

The map above shows the number of reported dangerous buildings located within each neighborhood (according to the City's standard map of neighborhoods). Any unshaded regions have zero dangerous buildings located within their boundaries. 

Age of Dangerous Building Cases

This chart shows the count of current dangerous buildings cases by the year that the case was created. Due to an effort to systematically address a backlog of dangerous buildings from prior years, most of the current inventory is relatively new.

Case Status

The chart to the left shows the count of cases by status.  A majority of cases are either in the pre-bid process for demolition or an ongoing case that is being monitored. Rehab by owner in progress is also a common status for current dangerous buildings.

Demolished Dangerous Buildings

Whatever the cause, the City takes dangerous structures very seriously and pursues owners to obtain compliance where possible; however if no steps are taken by the owner, the city will have a licensed contractor demolish the structure and bill the owner for the expense to the taxpayers. Once a dangerous building is demolished it is removed from the dangerous buildings list and moved to the demolished dangerous building list. 

Date of Demolitions

The timeline to the right shows the number of dangerous buildings demolished per month. The increase in 2017 and surrounding years is attributable to additional funding that was allocated to clear a backlog of dangerous buildings. Buildings that were removed from the dangerous building list due to successful owner rehabilitation are not shown on this chart.

Demolished Dangerous Buildings Map

The map shows the location of demolished dangerous buildings during the timeframe represented by this dataset (since 2012). Hover over a point to see the pop-up window, which provides the address, the service order number, the service order date, the demolition completion date, the neighborhood the building was located in, and the council district it was located in. The address or PIN can be used to find more information on all parcels in the city on the City's parcel viewer.

Council District Map

The map above shows the number of demolished dangerous buildings since 2012 located within each council district.

Neighborhood Map

The map above shows the number of demolished dangerous buildings since 2012 located within each neighborhood(according to the City's standard map of neighborhoods). Any unshaded regions has had zero dangerous buildings demolished within their boundaries in that time period.