2021 KCPD Crime Reports

Crime Reporting through KCPD

The Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) provides crime report information on an annual basis; the data below represents crime reports from January 1st, 2021 to December 26th, 2021 within Kansas City, Missouri.
Important notes on this data: Each crime report details an incident and the involvement of one or more people (i.e. victims or suspects). If an incident has more than one person associated with it (victim + suspect, multiple victims, or multiple suspects), it will have multiple crime reports associated with it that share the same incident number. 
As detailed below, in some cases, visualizations have been created to show only victim associations with crime to avoid over-representation of incidents.

Crime Date

The graph below shows a timeline of the number of crime reports on a monthly basis from January 1st, 2021 to December 26th, 2021. There may be multiple reports for each incident detailing the involvement of multiple victims and/or suspects. October 19th (1) was the day with the most reports with 383, while December 26th (2) was the least with 126. The filter at the top right allows you to specify the specific offense and track the number of reports created overtime of that particular offense.  

Victim Demographics

The race of the victim is one demographic measures that is detailed in police reports. In the chart below, W represents white, B represents black, I represents American Indian or Alaska Native, and U or "no value" represents that the police officer did not record a race. 
When applicable, gender is reported as either male, female, or not reported. In the chart below, F represents female, M represents male, and U or "no value" represents that the police officer did not document a gender.
Police reports also list the age of the victim if provided. Age is not reported if the victim is a minor. In the chart below, age ranges are represented from 18 and older.

Crime Type

Every federal offense that is reported and filed by the KCPD is given its respective National Incident-Based Reporting System offense code (IBRS) and a description determined by the IBRS code. Assault (simple and aggravated) represents 25% of total crimes committed in Kansas City, Missouri in 2021. The graph below represents the number of victims for each offense to avoid duplicate counting of incidents. The filter at the top right allows you to specify the reported date or a period of days and determine the type of crimes that were most committed during that time period.

Crime Location

From each police report, a location to determine where the offense occurred is taken. The location of all the victim reports filed during 2021 are mapped below and color-coded based off firearm usage. On the map, red represents that a firearm was used in the offense, while blue represents that a firearm was not used in the offense. In locations with multiple reports, the map shows a white dot with a blue border and clicking on these dots show the records for multiple reports.  Pop-up windows will show you other information about the request such as type of offense, date committed, description of offense, the involvement, case number, and the National Incident Based Reporting System offense code (IBRS).